Monday, June 13, 2011

WebPasswordSafe v1.1 Released!

And what is new in this version you ask?  Here are some highlights and release notes:
  • Created new Authenticator plugins that will disable a user and/or block an IP address after configurable number of consecutive failed authentication attempts to prevent brute force or denial of service attacks
  • New admin user menu option to unblock an IP address
  • Add menu options to open password and view current password data as an alternative to double-clicking in the password search results grid (read: iPad/mobile support)
  • Updated all 3rd party dependencies to latest stable versions - GWT, Ext GWT, Hibernate, Spring Framework, GWT-SL, Gilead, Jasypt, ESAPI, etc
  • Namespace and package names changed from com.joshdrummond.webpasswordsafe.* to net.webpasswordsafe.*
  • Bug fixes and other cleanup

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